While participating in
numerous exhibitions throughout Russia and abroad, the artists began to
formulate what would eventually become a unified context for their
varied art practice.
STUDIO 30 first emerged as an idea in 2001 and was soon realized into a
full-blown gallery-project that allowed the artists to weave their work
into a single conceptual narrative.
projectsexploring various
aspects of contemporary urban civilization and rapidly changing global
modernity. According to Balasanova and
Kolevatykh, the ability to stay abreast with the rapid pace of time is
by far one of the most important traits of a modern artist. For them,
art is not a reflection of any particular reality, but an integral part
of birth and transformation of paradigms that shape these realities. In the recent series of
art projects united by the general title "Break of Dimensions" Lily
Balasanova and Sergei Kolevatykh suggest their understanding of crucially changing
actuality in the informational turbulence of the postindustrial era.
In recent years STUDIO 30
has come to include
and curators from the USA, Holland and France. A community has developed
through years of fruitful exchange of creative experience and a happy
discovery of similarity in the understanding of various contemporary
The project
now includes: Pat van Boeckel, (the
Netherlands), Karin van der Molen
(the Netherlands),
Slava Balasanov
(USA) and
Olga Yaker